Drilling Rigs:
Drilling Rigs:
Until early this century, oil and gas wells were drilled with cable-tool rigs. These drilled holes by moving a heavy, chisel-shaped bit suspended on a steel line up and down. The problem with this design is that there was nothing to stop oil and gas blowing out of the surface whenever a reservoir was penetrated and before there was only onshore drilling.
Firstly, to understand the drilling rigs I must talk about the rotary drilling system. The system consists of drillbits. Drillbits work in a very hot and dirty environment. They are therefore subjected to large mechanical stresses. Replacing a broken drillbit is expensive, so they are designed to be long-lasting.The two main drillbits are the Tricone Roller Bits and the Polycrystalline Diamond Cutter Bits.
Tricone Roller Bits are the most commonly used bits. They are made of three roller-cones that rotate. This rotation causes the cones to work like teeth digging into the rock.
Polycrystalline Diamond Cutter Bits are a relatively new design. They drill using a shearing action, which is more effective on softer formations of rocks.
Secondly, the drillstrings. Drillstrings are a tube of steel pipe going from the surface to the bit.
Thirdly, the hoisting system; the heaviest work on a drilling rig is on the hoisting system, since it is what controls the drillstring's position. It moves it up and down, in and out of the hole.
Nowadays, the drilling rigs are more efficient and drilling rigs are also offshore too. For example: directional drilling was developed when the industry moved offshore. This is because onshore rigs can easily be moved to a new location, while it is more difficult and costly to move rigs in deeper waters.
Nowadays, the drilling rigs are more efficient and drilling rigs are also offshore too. For example: directional drilling was developed when the industry moved offshore. This is because onshore rigs can easily be moved to a new location, while it is more difficult and costly to move rigs in deeper waters.
Another example is the semi-submersible rigs are not bottom-supported, and are therefore called floaters. Which are used to drill in deeper waters and because they are very large they are very stable in the sea.
The final example is the drillship. Drillships because there are shaped like a ship, they can move from one location are so-calledanother quickly, but they are not stable in in the sea.
In the future there could be many methods to improve the drillbits. One of these methods is to produce a Laser drillbits. Basically, lasers convert different forms of energy such as chemical, electrical, heat etc., into energy of light. One of the main advantages of usinig a Laser drillbits that it has the potential to penetrate rock many times faster than the drillbits used nowadays. To describe this operation is to use high-power lasers to drill for gas and oil. Nowadays a group of collaborators are examining the possibility of adapting high-power laser technology to drilling for gas and oil. The first phase is designed to establish a scientific basis for developing a commercial laser drilling system and determine the level of gas industry interest in pursuing future research. If drilling with lasers eventually proves workable, it could be the most radical change in drilling technology in the last century.
Word count: 502
Referances: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/section?content=a713647230&fulltext=713240928