Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Essay - Project

What is poverty?
Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. To summarize that. Poverty is a condition of not having the requirements to afford basic human needs.,,contentMDK:20153855~menuPK:373757~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:336992,00.html
Poverty is a very big topic and in this essay I will mostly write about poverty in Somalia.
Poverty in Somalia has existed since 1960, the year it become independent. When the British and Italian colonists left the country, the country's government was left with nothing. Since then the country's government is working greatly so that they can get back their position. Many economists and scientists announced the Somalia poverty as a never ending situation. Even then the government of the country was working and the African government as well as the other international organizations like UN, WHO, UNESCO and other such groups helping the Somalia government to get back the to their original position.

The reasons behind the Somalia’s poverty are: food crisis and droughts, the bad climatic condition, illiteracy, lack of proper planning in the government sectors and political problems.

The Somalia government is doing well these days as there is a decrease in their political problems and all other issues are kept under control by the country's government. The conditions of rural areas are now taken into concern by the international social service groups as these are among the reasons behind Somalia's poverty. The governments of Africa have proposed many policies for the people of rural areas and providing them better living condition.
The best solution for Somalia’s problem is to have a better government because the any country must depend on its government. The problem is the civil war and having many political parties. That’s why it should be better if they could have a better government and stop their civil war that has been going from 1991 until now.

The other solution of helping the poor people by giving them food and shelter is good but it is not very practical because the people like that will always need help and they will never depend on themselves;that’s why I think it is better to provide them with food and shelter and also opening schools for children to learn and factories so that adults can work and earn their living and by that way Somali people can depend on themselves and have a good living.
To conclude I must say that living standards have risen dramatically over the last decades. The percentage of the world's population living in extreme economic poverty is defined as living on less than $1.25 per day. Many people in Somalia and elsewhere around the world are living in extreme poverty and living that way is very hard.
Finally the problem in the government of Somalia is the main reason for the problem and it also could be the main solution.
Word count: 524